1. Is this a sex party? No. No sexual activity is allowed at this party. The non-sexual component also adds to the uniqueness of the theme. (See question 5 for more) 2. Do I have to be naked? Not necessarily. But do not come to just to observe and watch everyone else. That would make you look creepy. You should eventually roll with the goal and remove layers as you feel comfortable. If you don't strip all the way to the buff, that is okay. But give it your best shot. Keep in mind that the more clothing you keep on, the more out of place you may be. 3. What if I get a boner? That is absolutely okay. It is natural and is totally celebrated as a part of the male body. If you get a boner, don't feel embarrassed or shame. Stand tall and feel proud of the way you look. 4. Do I walk up to your house naked? No! Do not do that! That is illegal. Arrive wearing clothes for sure. There will be a room in the house where people can safely store their clothing and return to it throughout the night. 5. If it is not about sex, what is the point of being naked? "Naturist Parties" are one of the most unique things you can ever do in your life. If you are not used to it, it can be quite surreal and a total blast. Majority of the time, most of us associate sex with nudity. So to be nude around each other and keep it non-sexual can require a certain amount of self control. Any sexual energy that is conjured up cannot be acted on and therefore it is up to you on how to figure out how to positively redirect that energy for yourself. 6. I don't feel "in-shape" enough to do this. I need to work on my body first! No! No! No! All body types are welcomed and the variety is preferred. In fact, another point of "partying in the buff" is to face our fears about body image issues. It is about celebrating all different kinds of body types. We all have things we do not like about ourselves. It is actually quite fun to hang out in that total exposure and move past those insecurities. When everyone’s clothes are off, everyone gets and feels exposed. You will be amazed at how comfortable you will get with all of that. Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes… and that is awesome. So please come just as you are. 7. I am just not comfortable with my body. Okay these aren't questions anymore. Lol. But this comment comes up so frequently, we will address constantly. We all were once (or still are) in the very same boat. If you just simply feel too uncomfortable with your body, then this may just be the very challenge you need. Modern media has taught us that our bodies need to be a certain way. But the reality is that majority of the people appreciate all kinds of body types. Nobody comes to this party to assess or judge other people's bodies. And if they do, then they are the minority and most likely won't enjoy it. 8. Can I bring a camera or take pictures with my phone? Nope. While this will be one night that you will never ever want to forget, you CANNOT bring a camera to the party in order to remember it. There will be no photos allowed in order to protect everyone’s right to privacy. Some people do not want their images out there. And this party is about respect. So no cell phones must be put away with your clothes. If you decide you want a picture of yourself or with consenting friends, then do so away from the crowd in an empty room. Other than that, if you are caught taking pictures of the party, you will be asked to delete the pictures and to promptly leave the party. 9. Will my clothing and stuff be safe? Yes. There will be a designated room for clothing. There will be large bags available that you can place clothing in, tie it up and write your name on it so people know who it belongs to. I have never seen anyone steal someone else’s things at a naturist party. People tend to be very respectful. Plus guests are coming in and out of the room during the night frequently to check their cell phones so things never go unattended for too long. Anyone caught rummaging through other people's belongings will be asked to leave the party. 10. Why is this party BYOB? In these tough economic times, hosting a party can get pricey. Alcohol can cost a lot when provided by one host for many people. But when brought by many people, it doesn't cost any particular one person too much. So please feel free to bring your favorite beverage. With this in mind, we are not looking to restock our liquor cabinet. So if you have any left over alcohol, feel free to take it home with you. 11. Will there be food? Yes. Your hosts provide food because getting naked and keeping it casual can cause quite the appetite. 12. Is partying naked kind of like riding a roller coaster? Funny you should ask such a specific thing. If have never attended a "naturist party," it can conjure up a lot of fear and hesitation. If you are new to this, your stomach may churn in knots as you step up to the podium to face the new challenge. And like riding a roller coaster, the initial start can be terrifying. But after that first hill, it turns into something so fun, you will want to do it over and over again. You get that adrenaline rush. Once the evening ends, you might be surprisingly quite eager to do it again. 13. I am so nervous I may need to get WASTED to do this! A drink definitely can help calm the nerves. But we don't recommend getting trashed in order to strip down. Based on past experience, I can say that it sucks to be totally wasted while totally naked. Plus that kind of robs you of the experience of facing your fears! Drinking alcohol is fine. But you know your own limits. Or else you may end up looking like these guys by the end of night. 14. I am in recovery with drugs and alcohol. Is this a good idea?! No illegal drugs are allowed at this party. But lots of people do choose to drink alcohol. If being around others drinking is a trigger for you, then this party would be a bad idea. However if that doesn't trigger you, then you would be safe. One of the hosts, Scott, began attending naturist parties while in total sobriety. It can be a bigger hill to push past on your initial decent, but that makes it all the more worth it when you do so successfully without a drop of alcohol in your system. If you can party naked while sober, you can do pretty much anything else while sober. 15. Is there at least a play room to have sex? No. Some naked parties do have play rooms for those who want to separate to go get their groove on. And while that is a good idea for some naked parties, it defeats part of our purpose with The Naked Ugly Tie Party. While a "no sex" policy sounds like a buzz-kill to some people, it really does create for a surreal and fun experience to redirect that energy and learn how to separate sexuality from nudity. 16. Are you sure this is not about sex? Yes, I am sure. Shut up… :-) 17. What if I can’t abstain and totally NEED to have sex? Again, if that happens try to harness that energy and re-direct it someway else. Otherwise if you reach a saturation point and cannot continue on without sex, then there is no shame in exiting the party for that purpose. But please remember to actually leave the party in order to appease whatever major needs you have conjured up. 18. I am in a monogamous relationship. Would this be a good idea for us? Yes... To party in your birthday suit is already a unique way to spice up life on its own. Since there is no sex allowed, you and your partner can enjoy the unusual and oddly entertaining evening without ever violating your terms of monogamy. However, if jealousy is a common problem in your relationship, I recommend that you do not attend. Please be confident in your partner and your relationship. By the end of the evening, you can enjoy expressing any intense sexual desires with each other. 19. I am a single guy who is looking to date. Would this be a good idea for me? Yes... unless you are a sex addict, you will be fine. In all social situations, single people can enjoy flirting with others in the room. If you get your flirt on, be sure to know that who you are flirting with actually wants to be flirted with. To socialize in the nude can heighten people’s emotional sensitivities. So be respectful and know that any advances should be reciprocated before you keep proceeding. Do not be aggressive in pursuing others. 20. What do I do if someone is being sexually aggressive with me? You can ask them to stop by reminding them that you want to stay true to the "no sex policy" of the tie party. If it is too awkward or you need help, please feel free to grab one of the hosts. Any of the hosts will be more than happy help resolve the problem without drawing attention to it. However, if anyone is unable to stop making sexual advances, then they will be asked to leave. 21. How come I cannot see who is on the FACEBOOK invite? This party is marked as a "private" event so that it will not show up on people's walls or timelines on Facebook. But also, the matter of who is going should not sway your decision to come to this party. You should do it for your own sense of adventure and fun. 22. Who is invited to the party? We invite all sorts of guys to the party... different body types and different ages. But our invites are selective. If you have been invited, then that means we really do want you to attend. We are not just tossing bones out there to get a tone of people to show up. We invite people who are body positive or crave environment that is positive about the male body. No one is invited based on their body or age. That would be a totally different kind of party. 23. What if I accidentally run into a friend or someone else I know? I won't lie. This can happen. But it usually ends up being funny rather than horrifying. Sure... it may be a bit awkward at first. But you and whoever you know will end up laughing together as you find yourself in such a hysterical predicament. Friendships can even get stronger as this presents an opportunity for two people to hang out in a challenging environment that they wouldn't have otherwise. Conquering your fears together usually ends up being a better thing than not. 24. What if I run into someone I don't like? Honestly? Get over it. Life is too short to hate people. If someone is there who you do not like, then at the bare minimum, don't be a dick to them. In fact, this could be an opportunity to give someone else a second chance or rectify your troubles in this unique and open setting. 25. There is a person in town who I am really trying to avoid. Can you confirm if they are coming or not? Yes. While we give privacy to everyone's invite, we can make exceptions for this kind of thing. If there is a person you truly need to avoid in order to maintain a sense of peace in your life, then send one of us a private message with the name of the person you need to avoid. We can confirm if they were invited or not. However we reserve the right to not disclose whether or not this person has RSVP'd or not. 26. Can I bring a friend or partner? Yes. But please be sure they know the theme of this party. Also if you can, let us know their name so we can keep an updated RSVP list. Although this isn't a requirement to bring someone with you. If you were invited but your partner wasn't, then this was an accident. Your partner is meant to be invited as well. 27. Can the lines between sex and non-sex get blurry? Occasionally. As noted above, it is perfectly acceptable for someone to get an erection or get aroused. What happens from there is in your control. Some friends can flick or yank a boner to be funny or flirty with each other. And that is totally fine. But also be aware of others comfort levels before enacting in such humor. Although these lines get blurry, an easy way to think about it is this: to actually start masturbating (yourself or someone else) is crossing the line. That is considered sexual activity. 28. Why do it when the weather is cold out? Naturist events are best in summer evenings. However the host home for The Naked Ugly Tie party is in a townhouse and therefore does not have access to a private yard to take advantage of nice weather. Plus we get so sick of having to pack on the layers during winter. It is nice to attend something where you can take them all off. And don't worry, we do turn on the heat so the temperature in doors is appropriate. 29. What if I try it and hate it? Then that is okay. I am more proud of you for giving it a shot than for not having tried it at all. If you can’t get into the swing of it (no pun intended), then again… there is no shame in calling it quits early on. Don’t worry. You will have our respect for trying something scary and new. 30. Are women invited? No. This event is intended for just men. Although we would like to have a mixed gender party for a different event, The Naked Ugly Tie Party has traditionally always been just males. It has also shown to be part of its great success. ------------------------ REMEMBER: We would never invite anyone to anything that we didn't trust would be awesome. I would never ask anyone to do anything that we ourselves wouldn't do. So if you think we are stand up guys, then chances are... this is a stand up party. |