Parking Directions


Our official address is: 7474 E. Arkansas Avenue, Unit 1709, Denver CO 80231
For Parking, use address: 7370 E. Florida Avenue, Denver, CO 80231 (our unit is across the street)

This address is for the Windsong Townhomes and our unit actually backs up to E. Florida Avenue on the south side of the complex. There is guest parking however it is sparse and usually filled. Street parking on Florida is plentiful and easy if you do it right. Read the following directions:

1. When coming to our home on Quebec St., do not turn on to Arkansas (as directed by google or mapquest). Instead, turn East onto Florida , one block south of Arkansas, and park anywhere on that first block (hence the Florida Avenue address as listed above).

3. Our home is on the left hand (north side) of the street. There will be a glowing orange street cone sitting upon the fence as a marker to the back of our home and near the correct entry gate. The back of our house will also be wrapped in blue tarp.

4. Once parked and on foot, walk towards the glowing orange street cone and enter through the gate #7 just to the left of it.

5. Walk through the grassy path to the street way inside Windsong Townhomes.

6. Once at the street, turn right and walk one unit over to our unit: #1709 and turn right into the driveway and there you are!

ParkingTutorial from Scott McGlothlen on Vimeo.

Below are some pictures to help give you a better idea for these directions:
The intersection of Quebec and Florida.
The first block on Florida. This is where you will want to park.
The "Landmark Townhomes" sign. Our Unit and the gate you will enter are right across the street.
The back of our house.
The gate that you will enter.
The grassy path you will walk through.
The view of the 1700 building as you turn right off of the grassy path. Our unit is 1709.
Our unit is to the right of this drive way. Do NOT go left... that is our neighbor's house. No one should park in this spot. It is our neighbors spot and should remain open. If it has remained open, then you should be able to look on the ground and see the number "11" marking that spot. That's how you know it is the right driveway. Again, our front door is located to the right of this.
Our front door! Don't bother ringing the door bell. Just come in and make yourself at home.

Feel free to print up the following “image directions” to bring with you so you don’t forget!